Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Aggravations of living in New York

Today while walking around with monkey I realized that people don't understand how curbs work. There is an area on the curb that is flat so people in wheel chairs, or walking with monkeys in strollers can get to the sidewalk without having to pop a wheelie over the curb.
Do people move out of the way? Some do but others just stand there and stare at you with an expression that conveys a mix of anger and annoyance. I'm sorry fellow New Yorkers to make you step aside so I can get through, perhaps instead I will install some sort of mid-evil device that will impale your legs with large spikes and attach it to the stroller.
My project for the weekend will be to build a dummy that looks like a baby and put it in the stroller, when people don't move out of the way, I will pop a wheelie and tip over the stroller, dropping the baby on the street. Unfortunately the way New Yorkers are they would probably look down at the baby, kick it out of the way and cross the street!
Other than that it was a good day.

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