Saturday, November 5, 2011

Russ and Daughters

Dear fellow New Yorkers and anyone within 100 miles of the city. If you live your life without eating a bagel and lox from Russ and Daughters you haven't lived at all. I love food, I mean absolutely love it to the point where in the morning I wake up and already start thinking about what I will be eating for dinner. It is one of the pleasures that all of us humans have in life.
Perhaps that's not true since the majority of humans don't have the luxury of eating whatever they want whenever they want. The point is that if you live in New York you must go to Russ and Daughters and order a bagel and lox with cream cheese before you continue living. For those of you saying I've had bagels and lox from the Jewish deli down the road. Sure you have and it was fine but that's like saying that I don't need to go to in and out burger because I've eaten a quarter pounder from Mc Donalds.

The taste is basically like eating a lightly salted piece of butter with a slightly fish flavor. The texture is amazing from the smooth and silky texture of the lox to the crunch of the bagel and the softness of cream cheese.  If you are within 100 miles of the city get on a bus or a train or a plane and go there and order a bagel and then afterwards have solice that even if you die the next moment it will be worth it.

Here is the link

1 comment:

  1. At Russ & Daughters I like Scottish smoked salmon on a poppy bagel with scallion cream cheese, thinly sliced red onion, and a slice or two of ripe tomato. The perfect complement to this delight is a container of Russ's freshly squeezed orange juice, a treat which is to Tropicana or Minute Maid as diamonds from Graff or Verdura are to the stuff sold on the Home Shopping Network.
