Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The myth vs reality of parenting

On my way home today I started thinking about how lucky I am to be a parent. How I have this little boy made out clay, that I get to mold into the person that he will someday become. I will be with him when he figures out that 2+2=4, how to tie his shoes, and most importantly how to hit an effective kick serve (this will be by the time he is seven). This made me smile and then I walked into the apartment.

The monkey greeted me by screaming when I tried to pick him up because he didn't want to leave Grandma and then he decided to have a massive poop which I had the pleasure of cleaning up while he was kicking and trying very hard to spread poop all over the place. Now he is sitting next to me banging the keyboard while I try type and once again screaming because I won't let him bang the keyboard. I guess for every moment of delight, watching him take his first steps and say his first words there will be many more moments of complete frustration, patience wearing thin, and tumolt. I guess parenting can be a picnic but while enjoying the benefits of the picnic the bees are flying all around trying to sting you whenever they can!

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